Saturday, October 15, 2005



I just now woke from another doozy of a dream. Most of it had a plot entirely unrelated to giant Monarchs, and I plum forgot all of those details, but right at the end I caught a TV news segment featuring giant Monarchs wintering in southern Florida. (I thought, wow, just like in my dream! Little did I know.)

Seems they were hanging out on the beaches down there, people were sunning on the beach with them, swimming with them, and some people were even water-skiing around on the Monarchs' backs! Cowa-fuckin'-bunga dude!

(Noel, I challenge you to find a picture to go along with THAT mental image!)

Too bad these damn things aren't real...think of the Monarch show the Orlando Sea World could put together!

One thing's for sure, I gotta fix some more bacon fish (what a band name) and see if I can induce a Part 3!


In an unrelated story...speaking of band names, I came upon 2 of the best ever the other day: the paper listed The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, which was playing Thursday at Mickey Finn's. I wasn't sure if this was a band or some sort of tap dancing act endorsed by Mr. Danza. So I actually called MF's to find out. The guy I talked to confirmed that it was just a really silly band name, but not as silly as his personal favorite, John Cougar Concentration Camp.

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