Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So a couple of weeks ago, on my way to work, I see this photo in the paper...

It ran with an article about the Everyone's Art Car Parade in Houston, and not only does it have to be the funniest pic of the year, the article included the phrase "Prozac-sprinkled Electric Muffins", which struck me as potentially one hell of a great band name! (You'll notice the second muffin from the left is, in fact, Prozac-sprinkled. I'm partial to the one with the Hostess Cupcake squiggle myself.)

I TMed it around to my friends, and the first response was from karaoke buddy Liz, who said she hoped they were bran. So I obliged and changed it to the Prozac-sprinkled Electric Bran Muffins.

When I got to work I related all this to my co-worker Jane, who added "Fat-free" to the mix. Then I related all this to my co-worker Lynne, who suggested "Organic". Then I decided to add a bit more insanity to the end of it, and before we knew it, we had the Prozac-sprinkled Electric Fat-free Organic Bran Muffins Orbiting The Third Moon Of Neptune.

We then decided to see just how much longer we could make this already ridiculously-long band name. Another co-worker suggested making the initials of the band spell out something, which is a nice idea, but at this point I decided I'd be happy just to have it spell out something just barely pronounceable! So we made a conscious effort to work in a few more vowels. (I once had the opposite dilemma with a previous favorite band name, Robots In Orbit Eating Oatmeal With Onions In It, which of course abbreviates to RIOEOWOII, which is a heckuva vowel movement!)

I typed it out on my Notepad, one word per line so I could figure out what the initials were spelling as we went, and I decided that since I could fit up to 39 lines on one page, once we got to 39 words we'd call it a wrap.

So after a bit more collective brainstorming, we ended up with the following insanely-long band name:

Prozac-sprinkled Electric Screaming Yellow Fat-free Organic Bran Muffins Orbiting The Third Moon Of Neptune In A Rented Dodge Omni With A Trailer Hitch Dragging Orange Sweatpants Filled With A Load Of Tapioca Pudding If You Know What I Mean.

Or PESYFOBMOTTMONIARDOWATHDOSFWALOTPIYKWIM, for short, as the band would be referred to by their most loyal fans who would follow them around to every show a la the Grateful Dead or Phish...Muffinheads, we would call them.

And the above pic would of course look great on the album cover, except that the band's name would almost completely obscure it.

PS: About a week later I spotted a news item about two Dallas high schoolers who were charged with giving school employees marijuana-spiked bran muffins in a senior prank. So my advice to those living in or visiting Texas...BEWARE OF THE MUFFINS! (Unless you like them Prozac-sprinkled or marijuana-spiked!)

PPS: I know what you're thinking, and yes, I would love to work "Marijuana-spiked" into the band name, but to do that I'd have to reduce the font size to fit all the lines on one page, and that would just be silly.

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