Saturday, August 16, 2008


An open letter to Kid Rock
RE: "All Summer Long"

Well, for starters, what do you have against Steve Miller? If you're going to rip off "Sweet Home Alabama" and "Werewolves Of London", why not throw in "Take The Money And Run" while you're at it? (And with a key change, you could even add "In The Evening" by Led Zeppelin.)

If someone like Party Ben had done a mashup of these songs, I could accept it. But coming from a talentless, white-trash hack like thanks.

[2010 P.S.: If you love Michigan so much, why did you shoot the video in Tennessee?]

Oh, and Kid, here's some free advice for you: buy a rhyming dictionary, will ya?

"We were trying different things...
We were smoking funny things..."

We were rhyming 'things' with 'things'...
Couldn't think of other things...
Other things that rhyme with 'things'...

Ok then, here ya go, you stupid douchebag...Here's just 250 other words you could have used that rhyme with 'things':

awnings backings battings bearings beatings bedsprings beings billings bindings blessings bombings bookings bowstrings branchings briefings brings brislings buildings bullrings burnings bushings cagelings callings carvings casings castings ceilings chartings clearings clings clippings clockings coatings codings combings comings couplings cowlings cravings crossings crumblings cuttings darlings dealings diggings dings dippings doings downswings drawings drawstrings dressings drippings ducklings dumplings dwellings earnings earrings earthlings endings etchings evenings facings failings fallings farthings fastenings feedings feelings filings fillings findings firings firstlings fittings fixings fledglings flemings flings floorings footings foundlings fraggings frostings geldings gleanings goslings gratings graylings greetings grindings groundlings groupings hairsprings hamstrings handsprings hangings hatchlings headings hearings heartstrings helpings herrings hirelings holdings housings icings inklings innings killings kings knifings lacewings lacings landings lapwings lashings latchstrings launchings leanings leavings leggings lemmings lickings lightings lightnings likings linings listenings listings loadings lodgings longings lyings mailings mainsprings makings marblings markings maskings matchings matings meanings meetings millings moldings moorings mornings mountings musings nestings nestlings nothings nurslings offsprings outings paintings pairings parings partings pavings peelings phrasings pickings pilings pings pinnings plantings playthings puddings quislings railings rankings ratings ravings readings riggings rings routings rulings rumblings sayings schillings scrapings searchings seasonings seedings seedlings shavings shillings shoestrings shootings showings siblings sidings sightings sings sittings slings spacings spankings spellings springs sprinklings standings starlings starvelings stings stockings stranglings strings striplings sucklings summings sweepings swellings swings tailings takings teachings testings tidings timings toppings tracings trappings trimmings tunings turnings upswings vikings warnings waxwings weaklings weddings wellsprings windings wingdings wings winnings wordings workings worldlings wrappings wrings writings yearlings yearnings younglings zings

See? There's plenty of other lines you could have come up with! We were having summer flings, we were wearing out bedsprings, we were pulling our hamstrings, we were eating onion rings, we were tying our shoestrings, we had broken arms in slings, we were playing on rope swings, we were wearing water wings, went to Colorado Springs, we played with our ding-a-lings...okay, that last one would be ripping off Chuck Berry, but hey, like that would stop you!

Current Duck Pond temperature:
24.4 C / 75.9 F

PS: These are a few of my favorite Things:

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