Monday, May 12, 2008


I probably need to start writing for the Pond more often, just in case anyone out there is actually checking it for new content. Who am I to deprive you, dear readers, of the joy of looking at whatever drivel I post here and thinking to yourself "Why do I give two festering donkey turds what Ducksoup has to say about anything?!"

It never fails to astonish me when people I don't know come up to me and know me via the karaoke circuit and think I'm the shiznit. It's a feelgood and all, but something about it just doesn't seem right. At least nobody has asked for my autograph yet. That's when I will know things are really, really screwy.

So, just in case any of these folks are googling me, I am going to try to get myself in the habit of keeping a regular stream of posts coming. These will most likely be like my previous "Random Thoughts" posts. Let's see how long I can keep it up...

I tried to keep the weekly ALF Cup 'Game Balls' going, and we all can see how that went. Doesn't exactly give me hope for this whole 'regular posting' thing, but anyhoo on the subject of the telly, I just finished watching the second season of "Dexter" at, after watching the first season on CBS. I can't wait for more. Friggin' awesome show. He's a forensics expert who's also a serial killer, but with a strict moral code: he only kills other killers. I strongly recommend you treat yourself to your own Dexter marathon. All 24 eps are there. Ding!

Ok, that's my TV tout for today, here's a movie tout: "The Legend Of 1900". A quirky film with a great story with plenty of gorgeous music. An amazingly talented piano player is born on a ship in the year 1900 and spends his whole life on board. Lots of cool scenes, like when he befriends the new trumpet player in the ship's band during a rough storm, during which he plays up a storm as they and the piano roll all around the ballroom. Then there's the piano duel with jazz 'inventor' Jelly Roll Morton...let's just say it's smokin' hot. And if you have a good ear, you might notice that his song inspired by 'the girl' walking by the window as he's recording it has the same melody as the song over the end credits, "Lost Boys Calling" by Roger Waters. So do yourself a favor and go find it wherever you get your movies.

That's all for today. Luckily I have a lot of material stockpiled for days when I have nothing new to think up, including the entire contents of my long-lost, just-recovered 'Red Folder' from my days in Grand Rapids at the Job Corps! All the lyrics of songs I wrote in my younger days (yes they are just as f'd up as my recent creations), my brief but classic series of 'Teletypes' (in which I sat with my typewriter channel-surfing and typing in a sentence from each channel until I had a whole page of non-sequiturs from the TV which at times seemed to relate to each other), short stories, the writings of a fellow corpsmember which I copied and archived for posterity, and lots more.

See you tomorrow. Unless I forget.

(PS: Also I probably should post more text and fewer pics just so the page will load faster. But the pics ARE good. Damn good. Just check out the most recent pic just below this. What a whack job. She's like Nathan Thurm now. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!)

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